There are several steps to gaining a deeper understanding of the teachings of the Holy Quran. 1. Obtain a Translation That Resonates Although the Quran’s original and official language is Arabic, one can still gain much insight from translations in other languages. When reading an English translation, it’s essential to choose one that speaks to you and your language preferences. Avoid translations that use convoluted language or old English unless that is more comfortable for you. 2. Incorporate Daily Study To fully grasp the Quran, it’s important to make reading and memorizing it a daily practice. Choose a time when you’re feeling fresh and not fatigued for optimal understanding. 3. Understand the Context For a comprehensive understanding of the Quran, it’s crucial to understand the circumstances surrounding the revelation of the verses. Knowing the context of the verses can provide a better perspective of the text. Recommended Reading: Learn to read Quran with tajweed online 4. Cleanse Your Intentions Before studying the Quran, it’s important to purify your inner self, ridding it of negative thoughts and actions. When your intentions are pure and your focus is on understanding the words of Allah, you will have a more profound experience. 5. Reflect and Contemplate When reading the Quran, approach it as if it’s a personal message from Allah. Delve into the meaning of the text and apply the message to your life. It will result in a more spiritual and kind-hearted person, following the commandments of Islam. 6. Study in a Group Reading and memorizing the Quran with a group can make the task more manageable. Group members can correct each other’s mistakes and assist each other in understanding. Prophet Muhammad said: “Whenever a group congregates in one of the houses of Allah (i.e., Mosques) to recite the Book of Allah (Quran) and study it, peace and mercy will descend upon them, the angels will surround them and Allah will mention them to those with Him (i.e., the angels).” [Muslim] 7. Eliminate Bias Entering the Quran with preconceived notions or biases will limit one’s understanding. The Quran is a mirror to one’s bias and a door to truth. Approach the text with an open mind and it will reveal itself to you. 8. Seek Divine Guidance As with any pursuit, you may encounter obstacles. Remember to turn to Allah for guidance and support. He has control over the universe and can help you achieve your goal. Interesting topics:

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